US Green Card - Employment Based
In most cases where you are looking to fill a vacancy quickly, it is not feasible to apply for lawful permanent residence.
Most employment based permanent residence applications involve demonstrating that there is a shortage of US workers to fill the vacancy. The process of demonstrating such a shortage is called 'PERM Labor Certification'; hereafter, called 'labor certification'.
Wherever labor certification is involved, the total processing time can take an average of two to six months. Where labor certification is not required, it is normally easier to transfer a candidate to the US using a non-immigrant visa, and then to apply for a green card once they have taken up their position.
PERM Labor Certification
Before you may obtain a green card for a foreign worker who does not qualify for exemption from labor certification, that company must demonstrate to the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) of the US Department of Labor that the job is one for which there are not sufficient United States workers who are willing, qualified, and available at the time of application for a visa.
The employer must also demonstrate that the employment of the foreign worker will not adversely affect the wages and/or working conditions of workers in the United States similarly employed.
Labor certification does not permit an alien to start work in the US. It is simply one of several requirements before for the grant of an immigrant visa. An application for labor certification is made using official form ETA 9089. While no supporting documentation is required with the ETA 9080, the employer may need to provide additional supporting documentation upon request.
The following may obtain a Green Card without labor certification:
- Aliens of Extraordinary Ability in Business, Sciences, Arts, Education, or Athletics
- Outstanding Professors/Researchers
- International Executives/Managers
- Exceptional Ability in the Sciences, Arts, Business with a "National Interest Waiver"
- Registered Physical Therapists
- Registered Professional Nurses
Aliens of Exceptional Ability in Business, Sciences, Arts, or Education.
Applications for a green card for aliens of exceptional ability should be supported by:
- Labor certification - unless waived (see above),
AND: at least 3 (and preferably more) of the following:
- An official academic record showing that the candidate has a degree, diploma, or certificate,
OR: A Similar award from an institution of learning relating to the area of exceptional ability;
- Letter(s) from current or former employers showing that the candidate has at least 10 years of full-time experience in the occupation for which he/she is being sought;
- A license to practice the profession or certification for a particular profession or occupation;
- Evidence that the alien has commanded a salary, or other remuneration for services, which demonstrates exceptional ability;
- Evidence of membership of professional associations;
- Evidence of recognition for achievements and significant contributions to the industry of field by peers, Governmental entities, or professional, or business organizations.
International Executives and Managers:
A multinational corporation with an established US office (i.e. one that has been in existence for at least one year), may obtain a green card for international executives who have worked in an executive or managerial capacity for a non-US branch of the corporation for at least one year in the last three.
Applications under this category will generally need to be supported by:
- A Letter from the employer confirming employment outside the US, the nature of the previous employment, and the dates of employment.
- If relevant, a letter from the US employer confirming the nature of the previous employment, and the dates of employment.
- A job description for the prospective employee.
- Tax returns showing employment of the candidate by the same employer outside of the U.S. for at least one year in the last three years.
- Accounts for the employer in the US.
Professionals with advanced degrees
Subject to labor certification, members of the professions who hold advanced degrees may practice in the US.
A multinational corporation with an established US office (i.e. one that has been in existence for at least one year), may obtain a green card for international executives who have worked in an executive or managerial capacity for a non-US branch of the corporation for at least one year in the last three.
- Labor certification; and
- An official academic record showing that the candidate has a U.S. advanced degree or an equivalent foreign degree; or
- An official academic record showing that the candidate has a U.S. baccalaureate degree or an equivalent foreign degree with letters confirming five years of post-qualification experience.
Subject to labor certification, any qualified member of the professions may practice in the US; their applications will take longer to process than those of professionals with advanced degrees.
Applications for a green card for a Professional should be supported by:
- A labor certification; and
- Evidence that the alien holds a US Baccalaureate Degree or equivalent foreign degree;
- Evidence that a Baccalaureate Degree is required for entry into occupation. This could be a letter from a professional organization confirming the requirements for admission to the profession.
Skilled workers
For US immigration purposes, a 'skilled worker' is one who will be engaging in an occupation that requires at least two years of training or experience; the worker must have the relevant experience, and a shortage of those particular skills must be demonstrated. It will take longer to process an application for a Skilled Worker than it takes for a professional.
Applications for a green card for a skilled worker should be supported by:
- A labor certification, and
- Evidence that the alien meets the requirements of the labor certification such as educational qualifications, and letters confirming employment and/or training. The minimum requirement is at least two years of training or relevant experience.
Other workers:
Where labor certification has demonstrated a shortage any particular type of skills in the U.S., it is possible for those with that skill to be granted a green card.
US Green Card - None Employment Based - The Green Card Lottery
The annual USA Diversity Visa Green Card Lottery makes 55,000 diversity immigrant visas (green cards) available every year to persons who meet two basic eligibility requirements. Participation in the green card lottery program is open to all individuals worldwide who meet these two basic entry requirements. The Green Card Lottery Program makes green cards available to the lottery winners, authorizing the winners and their families to live, study and work in the United States of America as permanent residents.

Green Card Lottery
Green Card Lottery Results and the history behind the Green Card Lottery Application Program. Read more...
Green Card test
Take the free test to see if you qualify. If you do, apply for the USA Diversity Visa Green Card Lottery here on the official USA Diversity Lottery site. Take the free green card test.
Green Card Winners
These lucky winners fulfilled their American dream through our services. Read their testimony..
USA Green Card Lottery Results

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